Engagement Photo Ideas from Real Couples

In Front of a Romantic Italian Backdrop

The cliffside scenery is strange even on a rainy day, especially when mixed with a couple dressed in chic black.

A Parisian Romance

Take advantage of your vacation to Paris as the ideal opportunity to include your adventures in your photo shoot.

A Classic Instagram-Worthy Shot

Take a cue from this couple's use of social media and adopt the well-known hand-holding position. 

One-on-One in the Waterfalls

Nothing is more romantic than taking a nice waterfall swim with your significant other. 

Take a Dip in the Ocean

For a seductive and sensual photograph, this pair took a picture while standing in the middle of the foaming, breaking waves.

A Fashion-Forward Vibe

Use the environment to assist guide your wardrobe choices, like this couple did for their stylish and contemporary photo shoot. 

Getting Lost in Your Favorite Fairytale

Find a tale that both of you love, and include it in your photo shoot. 

In Front of the Perfect Sunset

The definition of unexpected beauty is best embodied in this particular image.

A Breathtaking National Park

A beautiful bridge, steep mountains, and a grove of trees make for an amazing scene.